Points System:
There are 3 rounds to each game, and the points from all 3 rounds are added up so you can send that 1 bulk score.
For every 1m you shoot the peanut to - 1 point
For every obstacle you successfully jump across - 5 points
For every Front Flip or Back Flip - 5 points
For every Double Front Flip or Double Back Flip - 10 points
So for example, you shoot the peanut 180m, jump across 10 obstacles, and in the 10 obstacles you do 2 Double Back Flips, 4 Front Flips and 4 Straight Jumps.
That will work out to be: (180x1) + (10x5) + (2x10) + (4x5) = 270
And considering you do the same (you'll probably do better) in the subsequent 2 rounds, that's 270x3, which is 810.
810 points is more than the required 596 for 1000 NPs!
How To Play:
Alright so here's where it gets interesting. Like they say, spam and mash your Left and Right Arrow keys madly to charge up the cute green elephant. From left to right, Make sure the elephant's face is red and his eyes are flickering before you hit the Up Arrow key to launch the peanut.
Note: This, is probably the most important part of the game. How far (or near) you launch the peanut will determine how many points you eventually get.
The most points are given when you do a Double Front Flip or a Double Back Flip, so pick one which you will stick by. For this example, I will choose Double Back Flip.
Just as the peanut is launched, the Puppyblew will start running.
Once he starts running, press this immediately. It will do nothing, yet. But once you come towards an obstacle.. Hit the Up Arrow once, and there you go. Now once you land, you'll see that your points are given. As you land, hit this again.
This is so that you only have to hit the Up Arrow key once whenever you come to an obstacle. It saves time, effort, and saves you if you have a small hiccup and fumble with your keys just before an obstacle. Now as for catching the peanut, you need to always look at the crow and the red arrow above you. As much as possible, try to always be right underneath the gap in between the crow and the red arrow.
This is so that as the peanut falls, as the crow comes lower, you'll be right beneath it. And the best part is, you don't have to be exactly where the peanut is.
Just anywhere from the crow's tail to the peanut, and you got the points.
Question! What if I fall over an obstacle or just fumble with my keys and trip? No worries, the only thing you lose when you fall is distance between you and the peanut. Points are not lost, and hey, you get a cute little band aid too. :P
Elephant Alert! Now there's this really irritating elephant around here somewhere.
No it's not that cute one with wings who launches your peanut, it's that lazy blue one lying around the place.
There. That's the one. Now why is he irritating? Because he's really fat and bouncy, and Puppyblew's really light. If you bump into him, you won't fall...
But you will bounce so far ahead, that you will have to slow down drastically to let the peanut catch up with you.
And while flying so far ahead, you might even miss valuable obstacles to gain points from. Worst part is? You don't get the +5 Obstacle Clearing points from bouncing off this guy. So what do I propose? Jump over the damn elephant like he's a log. You still get the points.
There it is, my 200m Peanut Guide.
Try it out, who knows, you might even get a trophy.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8526065